Updates from Lisa on Howie:

Sorry I haven’t had a chance to share Lisa’s update for a couple of days as I haven’t been home much and my phone doesn’t always work as well as my computer. So here are a few updates starting with the latest:

Posted 7 hours ago: “Okay day for Howie today. A lot of nerve pain from yesterday’s surgery but otherwise doing fine. Should be moving out of the ICU tonight to a step down unit. One step closer to getting out!

From 1 day ago: “Howie’s surgery went fine today. They were able to take care of his foot, ankle, and knee so he should be done with surgery for a few weeks – until they have to remove the external fixator from his ankle. Thankfully, he’s back off the ventilator and resting well. ❤️

From 2 days ago: “Lots of improvement for Howie today … they were able to remove the neck brace and the feeding tube. PT came and got him sitting up in a chair for a while, then he actually got to have a real dinner. Still pretty out of it but definitely coming along. Surgery in the morning on his foot, ankle and leg. Thank you all for being so wonderful. We are truly blessed. ❤️

From 3 days ago: “Today… Howie is finally off the ventilator. His breathing is good and, although he is very “loopy”, he is aware of what’s going on for the most part. Still dealing with a lot of pain and coming to terms with the extent of his injuries and the impact they will have on him for some time to come, but definitely an improvement.”

From 4 days ago: “Today’s Howie update… Dr. said surgery on his hand this afternoon was a success and he came through fine. If all goes well overnight the plan is to get him off the ventilator early tomorrow morning.

Okay sorry for the long post but even those not on Facebook should be caught up on Howie’s condition and what has been happening now. Please continue to keep Howie, Lisa, Jimmy and the rest of his family in your prayers!