Monthly Archives: February 2023

Wednesday Lenten Prayer service, 6:30 pm.

Each Wednesday evening, you are invited to join us in a Lenten Prayer Service at the church. The service will be about 30 minutes and will focus on a time of prayer and scripture. You do NOT need to be a member or even normally attend Fletcher’s to participate in this service. All are welcome!

Sermon for Feb 26, 2023

Wow, another month almost gone! Time really does seem to fly sometimes! We should make the most of all of our days. So, as we start Lent and get ready to start Spring soon, remember to tell and show your love for others every day. Don’t fall into the “tomorrow” trap as we never know if we will have tomorrow with our loved ones. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us! I hope you all have a wonderful week and to start it off here is the link to yesterday’s sermon:

Sermon for Feb 19, 2023

Good afternoon! I hope this message finds all of you well and enjoying the day! However, please remember those who may sick or injured and let them know you care! People don’t need to know how much you care once they are gone but now while they can hear it. And if you are in need of prayer, please let someone know. Now to start your week off, here is the link to yesterday’s sermon:

Sermon for Feb 12, 2023

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend with friends and family! Please stay safe and remember others in your prayers! This is supposed to be a beautiful week with a few rain chances here and there but overall, really nice. Have a great week! Now here is the link yesterday’s sermon:

Sermon for Feb 5, 2023

Good morning! So sorry this is late, but I have had some back problems this week. I hope you all have a beautiful week, one that is blessed with good things happening! Remember to take care of those in need, but for the grace of God you could be in their shoes. Here is the link to this week’s sermon: