Monthly Archives: November 2021

Sermon for November 28, 2021!

Wow! Do you realize that it is already just 4 weeks until Christmas Day? Boy does time fly! I just know that you have all been nice with not a naughty one in the bunch! Well before you continue with your Christmas Shopping check out this week’s sermon! Without a doubt, you will be glad you did!


Good news! Pastor Barry located his phone (actually last night) so you can now call him on his cell phone again if you need to reach him! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Please note and pass to anyone you may know who doesn’t have access to the website and/or Facebook! Pastor Barry has lost his cell phone and he hasn’t been able to recover it so far. Therefore, if you need to get in touch with him, please call him at either the Parsonage at (540) 625-2539 (this is the first place he will check for messages if he’s gone when you call) or the Church office at (540) 775-7247. As soon as he gets back up and running with a cell phone, I will let you know. Thank you and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Sermon for November 21, 2021!

I hope everyone is ready for a wonderful Thanksgiving Week! Remember Thanksgiving isn’t only about eating, football (or other sports), parades and dog shows but really about giving thanks for all of the blessings we have received! So, remember to thank our Lord for your blessings while you enjoy your time with family and friends! After all, there are many who will be missing from the tables this year so if you have all of your family with you, that’s another blessing! And for those who are missing family members this year, our hearts and prayers are with you! Now here is the sermon from Sunday:

Sermon for November 14, 2021!

Wow! It’s a little cool here in Passapatanzy! Guess we are getting closer and closer to winter. But that’s okay, we all have our favorite season but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the other seasons as well. After all, God has provided all of them for us and he knows better than us what we need. For example, here is our sermon for this week! Enjoy!

Sermon for November 7, 2021!

Hello everyone! I hope the time change hasn’t made too many problems for you today! Things seemed to go well here in Passapatanzy. A beautiful day to relax with family and friends and a beautiful day to lean more about our Lord! So take a little while out of your day and relax and listen to the sermon from this morning.