Plenty of free parking is available. After you park your car, enter through the front door to the sanctuary. A greeter will assist you, offer you a bulletin, and answer any questions you may have. Our sanctuary is easily accessible for those with mobility issues who require a wheelchair or other device.
Most people at Fletcher’s Chapel are casual in their attire and you are encouraged to come as you are most comfortable.
Our style of worship would best be described as traditional although we try to incorporate other styles of worship. We welcome lay participation in the service and it is common for members to read Scripture and occasionally lead worship and offer the morning message.
Handicap accessible restrooms are on the main floor. Each restroom has a changing table for infants. There are restrooms on the lower level as well.
At 10:15 we gather in the for Sunday School. There are two classes for adults.
On the second Sunday of the month, we have Coffee Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall from 10:00 until 10:30. Expect coffee, juice, doughnuts, fruit, muffins and other continental breakfast type food.