Monthly Archives: August 2022

Sermon for Aug 28, 2022!

Good morning! I hope all of you have a beautiful and blessed day to enjoy. Please remember to give thanks to God for giving us a new day to enjoy once again! Also please remember to keep those who may be sick, injured or grieving in your prayers. Yesterday we welcomed Pastor Barbara back from vacation and also into our Church with a luncheon! Here is the sermon from Pastor Barbara yesterday:

Sermon for Aug 21, 2022!

Welcome back! We’re back for another week of blessings! So, no matter where you may be currently set back and let today’s sermon anoint you with blessings and Spiritual hugs! Today we have the sermon from retired Pastor Mochel Morris who substituted for Pastor Barbara today. So, let’s listen up:

Sermon for Aug 14, 2022!

Good evening! Sorry it’s a little late getting the sermon up today but there were meetings going on that included the person who uploads it onto YouTube plus time for editing and uploading. However, it’s uploaded now and ready to go! I hope you all have a really great week coming your way. The weather is supposed to be a little better, at least not scorching hot! So, take care and enjoy your week! And now, to start it off right with the new sermon from Pastor Barbara:

Sermon for Aug 7, 2022!

Hello! Welcome to Fletcher’s Chapel UMC! Well, here we are in August already! Wow! Time really does seem to fly. Hopefully, you are somewhere cool viewing this today! Here in Passapatanzy it is 89 degrees and the “Feels Like Temp” is 98 degrees! I know there are places that are even hotter today but I’m hoping you have found somewhere comfortable! Enjoy your week! Remember to keep check on others nearby and to pray for those who are sick or injured. Here’s the link to today’s sermon: