Monthly Archives: January 2023

Sermon for Jan 29, 2023

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the next day of your life! Let’s start that day off with the sermon from yesterday so you can start the day praising the Lord! Can’t think of a better way to start the day except by thanking the Lord that we woke up to another day! Here is the link for the sermon:

Sermon for Jan 22, 2023

Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Yes, it’s a little cold and will be raining soon but we are here! I figure every day I start by waking up is a blessing! Please don’t forget to include those who are sick, injured or have lost someone in their family in your prayers. Also, do whatever you can to ease their pain whether it is physical or mental. Here is the link to this morning’s sermon:

Sermon for Jan 15, 2023

Good afternoon! Sorry for the late posting but I hope I’m catching you all well and enjoying your day! We’re praying for a beautiful week where we can get out and enjoy nature at its best! I feed the birds and the squirrels in my backyard, and I love to just watch them as they enjoy their meals. And as I travel up and down the road, I’m always on the lookout for cows, horses and whatever else I can find along the way. It just makes my day to see them in the fields as I go by! As we start our week, don’t forget to thank our Lord for bringing us into another week and for all he has given us. And don’t forget to pray for others who are sick, injured or need assistance. Bless you all! Now here’s the link to this week’s sermon:

Sermon for Jan 8, 2023

Well, here in Passapatanzy, the cold has arrived once again. But we still had wonderful weather at Fletcher’s Chapel this morning! I saw on Facebook a quote attributed to Groucho Marx: “I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” Yes, it was cloudy and cold outside, but inside we were blessed to be at Church, greeting each other and worshipping our Lord! It was nice to see everyone again and to share last week’s adventures! So, we have every reason to choose to be happy today! Now here is the link to Pastor Barbara’s sermon this morning:

Sermon for Jan 1, 2023

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe week! Praying this year will be an even better year than last year! If you can’t be with us live and in service on Sunday mornings, this hopefully will bring you closer to God as you watch and listen to the Sunday morning services. Please know that you are always missed when you can’t be with us, but we want you to have a way to hear God’s word when you have to miss Church. Now let’s start our New Year out right with this morning’s services: