Monthly Archives: January 2022



Please note that the Fletcher’s Chapel UMC Church services have been cancelled for Jan 30th due to the inclement weather and the icy parking lots which it has created. We look forward to seeing you on the following Sunday, Feb 6th.

Sermon for January 23, 2022!

Good afternoon to all! I hope you are all doing well today. Please remember to pray for all of those who are ill, injured or going through some other type of problem. We post the sermon on here in hopes that those who can’t make it to church for whatever reason will still be able to listen to the sermon. But please know that we still would love to see you at Fletcher’s on Sunday morning! We miss seeing your smiling face in person! Come and join us on any Sunday that you can make it – doesn’t matter if you’ve been coming all your life or have never been before, either way we welcome you to come join us! Now here is the sermon for today from Pastor Barry:

Sermon for January 16, 2022!

Good morning! I hope everyone made it through the snow/ice/rainstorm from yesterday and last night safe and sound! A little windy today so get a hot cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate and keep warm and toasty while watching Pastor Barry’s sermon from yesterday! Have a great week and hopefully we’ll meet back here or in person again next Sunday! Please remember to keep all of those who or sick or injured in your prayers! Take care and stay safe!

Sermon for January 9, 2022!

Good afternoon! I hope you have all got your power back on and that you are all well! It’s been an epic week to say the least! Just goes to show that God is still the only one that knows for sure what’s happening next! As the joke goes: “Man makes plans and God laughs!” Everyone have a blessed week and stay safe. Now let’s start the week with a new sermon:


Currently we are planning to have Church this Sunday! However, we will not be having Communion this month, due to the weather forecast for Sunday morning and not knowing what will actually happen. Currently, the Parking Lot has been cleared but the problem may be with the refreezing of the melted snow creating an ice rink (as it was this morning) and/or if we get freezing rain on Sunday morning before changing to rain. Pastor Barry along with other Church Leaders will come to a decision together to decide if anything should change as things progress. Of course, we won’t know what Sunday will bring until Sunday, but if it has to be cancelled, they will have the robocall go out to everyone. If you signed up for the robocalls and you don’t hear anything, the Church will be open. However, as always, make you decision on coming to Church based on your situation. As you know, a mile or two can make a big difference on the road situation. Always stay safe!