Monthly Archives: October 2020

Sermon for October 25, 2020!

Good morning! Yes, I know that is a rainy morning but it’s still a good morning as we are blessed to be here. I saw this on Facebook and need to share: “Remember – Your job is the dream of the unemployed, Your house is the dream of the homeless, Your smile is the dream of the depressed, Your health is the dream of those who are sick – Don’t let difficult times make you forget your blessings”! Please remember in prayer all of those who are sick, hurt or going through other difficult times and their families as well. Also pray for our country to heal and return to God as only with God can our country and our world be healed. And now let’s start a new week on a positive note with a new sermon from Pastor Barry.

Sermon for October 18, 2020!

What a beautiful crisp day we have been blessed with today! I hope you all have had a wonderful week! We are ready to start the new week with a new sermon from Pastor Barry. Please keep all of those who are hurt or sick in your prayers! And don’t forget to include in your prayers our soldiers who are fighting to keep us safe along with the nurses and doctors who are on the frontline helping against the COVID virus as well as other illnesses .

Sermon for October 11, 2020!

Good morning everyone! What a blessed day! Rain or shine – the Lord has given us another day to rejoice! Don’t forget to drop off your canned goods and/or your loose change today between 11:00am and 1:00pm at Fletcher’s Chapel. I hope you all have a blessed, safe and wonderful day!


Here is another opportunity for us to safely get involved in a food drive and this time we will also collect for our Loose Change Offering for the Heifer Project.  This Sunday, Oct 11, we will be collecting food in the church parking lot.  If you have any Loose Change that you would like to send to the Heifer fund, you can also drop it off at the same time! You can drive by any time between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and drop off non-perishable food items as well as any change you want to contribute. 

        If you would like to contribute, but that time isn’t convenient, please contact Barry at (540) 625-2539.  I’ll arrange to pick up the food at your convenience.  Please prayerfully consider what you can do; the need is great, and the resources are not.

        Be blessed.   Pastor Barry

Sermon for October 4, 2020!

Good morning! I hope you have had a really great week and that you are ready to start the new week with a new sermon from Pastor Barry! Remember – our attitude is a key part of our well being. So think positive! The Lord has blessed us with a new day and it is up to each of us to make the most of that day!