Monthly Archives: December 2020

Sermon for December 27, 2020!

Good morning! As we head into the new year at the end of this week, let us learn from our mistakes of 2020! As we go forward with heads held high, we know that the Lord is with us and that he is with those around us, whether they know it or not. Remember that although he does protect us, he also expects us to do our part. We show God’s love through our actions every day. There is always someone watching us, and our actions represent Christianity! We are not promised tomorrow but we are promised that if tomorrow comes, God will be there with us! So as 2020 winds to an end and 2021 comes into view, be a blessing to all your family and friends and show God’s love everywhere! Remember “You may be just one of in a million but to someone you are the world”! Be blessed and stay safe!

Christmas Eve Service – Dec 24, 2020

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I pray you all have safe while doing that! Christmas is a wonderful time in our religion. As you know we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus Christ! Unfortunately, Christmas, like a lot of holidays, has become more commercialized then religious! So while you get the presents for your friends and family, remember to celebrate the real reason for Christmas! Merry Christmas to you all!

Sermon for December 20, 2020!

Well, Christmas is almost here! I will soon be posting the Christmas Eve service. And while I hope you have “the stockings all hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Santa will soon be there”, most of all I hope you remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas! We celebrate the birth of Christ and that God gave him to us as a babe in swaddling clothes! This year there aren’t quite so many parties celebrating the commercial side of Christmas, but we can always celebrate Christ’s Birthday at Christmas with our families and that is what we all need, especially this year. Be blessed and stay safe. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Please help with our adopted Christmas family! Help make their Christmas blessed!

Time is short and for that we apologize! The Church fellowship has adopted a family in need of a helping hand with Christmas this year as we have done in previous years. If you can find room in your heart, please help us brighten Christmas morning for the children of this family! Please contact Jeff Morfit or Teresa Morfit (their phone numbers are in the directory) as soon as possible for more information on how to donate to this wonderful cause!

Sermon for December 13, 2020!

Well, it looks like another beautiful day expected here in King George, VA! However, tomorrow is going to start bringing in colder weather for the week along with a good possibility of snow on Wednesday! From the upper 60’s today to the lower 40’s tomorrow! But you know what? God is watching out for us and knows our needs better than we do! We must have the cold and the snow as well as the beautiful mild days. Cold and snow as well as rain and sun, all have their benefits to us and our earth. So, smile and thank God for all the weather we get even when it’s not our favorite type of weather – because it’s probably someone else’s favorite! Now let’s start the week with a sermon from Pastor Barry. Have a wonderful and blessed week!

Don’t forget: The Food Drive and Loose Change Collection Drive By is TODAY!!

Today is another opportunity for us to safely get involved in a food drive and at this time we will also collect for our Loose Change Offering for the Heifer Project. You can drive by any time between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the church parking lot and drop off non-perishable food items as well as any change you want to contribute. Don’t have any change or want to give more than just change? That’s okay! Paper money is okay to contribute as well.

If you would like to contribute, but that time isn’t convenient, please contact Pastor Barry at (540) 625-2539. I’ll arrange to pick up the food at your convenience. Please prayerfully consider what you can do; the need is great, and the resources are not.

Be blessed.

Pastor Barry

Sermon for December 6, 2020!

Good morning! I wish you all a blessed day along with a blessed week to follow! As we get closer and closer to Christmas – remember the reason for the season! Yes, presents are nice under the tree and a reminder of how much we love each other but the greatest gift of all was given to us on Christmas Morning many, many years ago when God blessed us with the baby Jesus who would eventually save us from our sins! His gift of the baby Jesus also showed just how much he loved us! Enjoy your week! But now let’s start our week with the sermon from Pastor Barry!


Here is another opportunity for us to safely get involved in a food drive and at this time we will also collect for our Loose Change Offering for the Heifer Project. Next Sunday, Dec 13, we will be collecting food in the church parking lot.

If you have any Loose Change that you would like to send to the Heifer fund, you can also drop it off at the same time!

You can drive by any time between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and drop off non-perishable food items as well as any change you want to contribute.

If you would like to contribute, but that time isn’t convenient, please contact Pastor Barry at (540) 625-2539. I’ll arrange to pick up the food at your convenience.

Please prayerfully consider what you can do; the need is great, and the resources are not. Be blessed.

Pastor Barry