Monthly Archives: March 2022

Sermon for March 27, 2022!

Brrr! What a cold morning! I don’t know about where you live but yesterday here in Passapatanzy we saw sunshine, clouds, rain, snow, and small hail! Yep, we had it all covered in the weather department! LOL! This morning brought cold temps and a bit of wind, but we made it. Again, I ask you to please keep those who have lost loved ones and/or those who are sick or injured in your prayers this week. Now here is Pastor Barry’s sermon from this morning:

Sermon for March 20, 2022!

Welcome to Spring! Yes, Spring is finally here! Hopefully, we have finished with Winter and can now began to watch everything wake up and bloom. As we venture into what Spring has to offer, please remember to help and pray for those who still may be shut in, sick or injured. You will never know what you can do to help others unless you ask or if you do see a need, just try to fulfill that need. Now here is the link to Pastor Barry’s sermon for today:

Sermon for March 13, 2022!

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful day! It is supposed to be a beautiful week so enjoy it as much as you can. Please remember to keep everyone in your prayers, those who are injured or sick, those involved in what is happening in Ukraine as well as your family and friends. Below is the link to hear today’s sermon from Pastor Barry:

How to assist the Ukrainian people through UMCOR Global Ministries

Link sent by email to our church from the Office Manager of the Rappahannock River District, The United Methodist Church. If you follow the link below you will be directed on multiple ways to donate to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery to help the Ukrainians. “One hundred percent of all Advance contributions go to the designated cause.”

Sermon for March 6, 2022!

WOW! What a beautiful day! Here in Passapatanzy it is 76 degrees and, while it is windy, it’s not raining! So, thank the Lord for a wonderful day! Also, if you woke up this morning, you were blessed with another day, so make the best of it. Even if you started the morning with aches, pains etc., if you look around you are likely to find there are many others who are worse off than you, at least that’s what I have found to be true. Have a great week! Now, let’s get on with this week’s sermon from Pastor Barry: